Helpful information to assist you in making the best decision for you and your family.

  • Approaching Premarital Agreements

    Although many weddings have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, couples are continuing to become engaged and plan for the future. The prolonged period between the engagement and the wedding offers couples a unique opportunity to explore the protections of a premaritalRead More

  • The Cost of Dissipation in Divorce

    What is Dissipation, and How can it affect my Case? In divorce proceedings, dissipation is the spending, by one party, of marital property for a non-marital purpose. Dissipation must occur after the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Dissipation can take many different forms but is mostRead More

  • Planning for the Unforeseen: Securing Maintenance with a Life Insurance Policy

    At the end of divorce proceedings, parties enter into a Marital Settlement Agreement (“MSA”) with their soon-to-be ex-spouse. The MSA is incorporated into a final Judgement for Dissolution of Marriage that is entered by the Court. MSAs contain agreements between the parties about the divisionRead More

  • Securing a Child Support Obligation through A Child Support Trust

    Divorced parents often rely on child support from their former spouse as a way to make ends meet and provide support for their children. Generally, Courts award child support in a manner that suits the best interest of the child and statutory guidelines. In 2017,Read More

  • When Should you Review your Estate Plan?

    It is essential that estate plans be updated whenever there has been significant change in your life, a change in the law, or a significant amount of time has passes since the plan was put in effect. If any of the following situations have occurred since theRead More

  • Adapting to Summer Co-Parenting during COVID-19

    As the summer of 2020 heats up, parents are faced with a challenging environment during COVID-19. Many parenting agreements make a provision for extra parenting time during the summer months, and many families have the long-standing tradition of sending the kids to summer camps or goingRead More

  • Allocation of Parental Responsibility in Illinois

    In Illinois, allocation of parental responsibility and parenting time (formerly child custody) is governed by two different laws. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (“IMDMA”) applies if the parents are divorced or in the process of divorcing, and the Illinois Parentage Act appliesRead More


    Our current COVID-19 environment has led to the enactment of tax-related benefits at both the state and federal levels; however, the specifics of those benefits have our office wondering how they will be rolled out over time. We reached out to one of our trustedRead More

  • Handling the Holidays During Divorce

    Going through a divorce is stressful and difficult at any time of the year, but it can feel particularly taxing as the holiday season approaches. Here are some tips on how to navigate the holiday season during a divorce or separation process, while minimizing stressRead More

  • Pet Custody in Illinois Divorce

    Due to the rise in couples foregoing having children and instead deciding to become “pet” parents, it has become more common for couples going through divorce to want to set forth clear provisions for the allocation of their pet. Illinois has recently enacted a statuteRead More

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